Media spoiling the surprise ?

Sometimes I feel, the media sensationalism, is probably detrimental to the critical operations. An example is the splashing news on NDTV right now, telling everyone in the world, that 100 commandoes are being air-dropped onto the Nariman House for the final push of the operation. Ahem, Nariman House is a residential building, having TVs, which the terrorists are also watching??

Not really sure if all this is a good thing. I agree that, to a degree, it is helpful, especially if you have friends/family involved in this, and are present in the situation — it does help to calm the situation ; but giving out too much of the strategy cannot be too good either.

Update: I am glad someone else also feels the way I do —

According to NSG Director General: “One injured terrorist is still inside Taj hotel. The stage seems to be set for a final operation there and the media has been asked to refrain from doing any live broadcasts from outside the hotel.”

Update2: My sister says that, CNN-IBN was stating that, all telephone and cable television connections were cut off in the affected areas ; so that the terrorists cannot see ‘their own action movie’. I can see that very helpful for Nariman Bhavan. Not sure how effective it would be for Oberoi and Taj – since they would have their own satellite dish antennae.

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2 Responses to Media spoiling the surprise ?

  1. Indrani says:

    Yes that is one important angle of looking at it. I read your previous post too. Why are the politicians so complacent in nature and the security so callous?? We have failed miserably.

  2. gcmouli says:

    Complacent – yes that is word. I am noting it down on my calendar. One month from now — lets see what is the action-plan that has happened. Are we talking about the Ahmedabad blasts any more ? Bangalore blasts anyone?

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