Shifted backside, imported crackery and Brocheva revarura …

What do these have in common? All part of a bus ride back home from ITPL 🙂

The shifted backside was not incurred by me, because of the bad road – but happened to be a sign put up by a shopkeeper to indicate that he has vacated his older shop facing the road, and moved to a shop at the back.

The imported crackery was not any drug case busted, but happened to be a sale on airport road, selling plates, spoons and other dinner sets. (I think the owner meant crockery!)

And as for ‘Brocheva‘, the driver had a small AM radio and a speaker above his head, which he had tuned to All India Radio Vividh Bharathi. It has been so long since I listened to this. And yesterday, it was Unni Krishnan crooning to Brocheva in Kamas, and Paluke Bangara mayena in Ananda Bhairavi. The driver was fully into the music. He was tapping his foot, putting thalam on the steering wheel, and was totally enjoying a full-blown music sabha experience. Only that, his driving speed or his rashness did not reduce, because of the mellifluous music.

Incidentally, Paluke is a briilliantly addictive song. I am still humming it.

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